The traditional wedding ceremony took place at Ibeshe, Ilaro in Ogun State. Bambam and Teddy A hold their traditional wedding ceremony at Ibese, Ilaro, in Ogun State. (Honeylens) Former Big Brother Naija housemates, Bamike Olawunmi better known as Bambam and Tope Adeniyan aka Teddy A have officially stamped their union with a traditional wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony reportedly took place at Ibeshe, Ilaro in Ogun State on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Bambam and Teddy A’s traditional wedding has since been one of the trending topics on Twitter as videos and photos of the event have flooded the social media platform. Some of 2018 Big Brother Naija housemates, who turned up for the event and have shared their photos include CeeC, Nina and Khloe. BamTeddy fans have also been sending them congratulatory messages using the hashtag #BamTeddy2019. Recall that in August, Bambam shared the news of their engagement on her Inst...